Monday, September 21, 2009

102. Take the opportunity to play the player*

Common sense would dictate the guy you are seeing would think it unwise to come to your birthday party with a girl he used to hook up with. Quite the contrary, men are opportunistic and if they see a chance to "put in time" with both of you at the same event, they will most definitely do so. While we understand the logic of killing two birds with one stone, we do not however have to endorse it. Luckily, two can play at this game! Since he's dumb enough to think that your friends wont tell you he asked the other girl to drinks on a Monday, you can be prepared for his inevitable IMs later the same evening, of course never letting on that you know exactly what he's up to.

*But only do so for a limited time, try and beat him at his own game for too long, and you'll likely only end up in his bed.....

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